So, you have an investment property, a holiday rental.... and it's tired, old and shabby.
Now is the time to pour a little love and affection into your "holiday gift to the world"
Here is how to do it.....
Do an harsh assessment of the property.... "Would you want to pay over $200 a night to stay in your place when next door is new and lush, and recently upgraded their digs?" ..... this is a tough and discerning market... Now is the time you need to "SHINE".
So, get rid of anything old, dirty and shabby. Some things can still be in good nick, so call "The Salvos" to pick up for charity.
You may need to spend some bigger dollars on a new coffee table, or sideboard, even a new sofa..... but mostly it can be smaller items that create interest and evoke a feeling.
New cushions!! yes, very easy. Buy new cushions.... can be $50 each. Just don't make the mistake that you have to keep them for 5 years.... You can change them over every year or so.... Keep things fresh! But Scotch guard them for extra protection.
Wall decoration is the key to creating interest without added items for guests to keep as a souvenir, or for the cleaning to have to clean under and around. Stunning new cane round mirrors right now are HOT!
Artificial plants, with gorgeous cane basket pots... are a must, never too many.. LOL
Have a think about your bedhead.... Holiday rentals must have a bedhead. Something luxurious, yet cleanable.... a good heavy duty upholstery fabric. If you're feeling handy, you can do a custom make and secure it to the wall with a french cleat hanging system.
OK, check out my recent refurb of a Palm Cove holiday apartment.... The wonderful Elysium Apartments. Get to it now..... because the world is on the move again!